2014년 11월 23일 일요일


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Recently, the movie "Interstellar" is sweeping all the people's attention in Korea. Some might say "It's fantastic, it's really interesting." The movie's genre is SF (Scientific-Fiction). There are many scientific materials in it. The most fundamental two theories of this movie are Gravity and Space - time. I'll inform you briefly about gravity in this page. 

Issac Newton contrived the theory of universal gravitation. It's well-known story that Newton invented the theory because of falling apple. It sufficiently explains why people in the south hemisphere do not fall off to the space. Simply, Gravity is the tension between two objects. 

However, someone broke the theory, and it was Albert Einstein. 
He invented "Special theory of relativity" and "General theory of relativity" in 1905 and 1915 respectively. Time and space were absolute and immutable subjects at that time. So, he was blamed much. But now, it becomes the base of science. 

In Newton's theory, gravity is the interaction of two objects. However, in Einstein's theory, gravity is rather a space-time distortion than a just power. 

Einstein saw the space in 4D. 1D is line or dot. 2D is face. 3D is solid and volume. 4D contains Time and everything in 1D,2D,3D. In Newton's theory, the revolution of moon is explained by "Gravity." But in Einstein's theory, it is explained as "Parallel condition in space-time distortion. In Einstein's theory, every-planet in the space creates invisible space which commensurate with its mass under itself. You may don't comprehend the picture above. Imagine there are bowling ball and golf ball. If we place those on a mattress, bowling ball will dent deeper than golf ball. Moreover, if the golf ball is near by the bowling ball and stagnant, it will fall into the dent. So it needs to revolve the dent with moderate speed to prevent collision. 
What is more? 
If light goes in a straight line we can not see stars which is behind the sun. 
However, light tends to take the shortest distance ( according to Fermat's principal). 
So the light of the star behind the sun is not taking the way to go through distortion distance. It takes a detour. 

 Actual location and observed location of star are different, because light doesn't go straight. (Gray line is the actual way of the light of the star takes)

 The then Time's Headline 
"Revolution of science - New theory to explain space - farewell to the Newton theory."  

"We still don't know one-thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us."
Albert Einstein 

About space - time will be uploaded soon.

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